Each lesson contains about three pages of story taken from the Bible and paraphrased so young children can understand it (the story also includes a Bible reference if you'd prefer to look it up, as well). The pictures that accompany the story are bright and colorful and add a lot to the message for kids. The lessons each have a paragraph or so entitled "I learned that..." which helps parents formulate a "take-away" lesson from God's word, something a child (or adult, I've found!) can learn from the Bible story and apply to his own life. A fourth page with each lesson contains a section entitled "I can..." and it provides some ideas for questions, activities, crafts and games that can help reinforce the lesson learned in the story and help give a hands-on reminder for the children. The last page of the lesson also includes a short prayer asking God to help us implement the lesson in our lives and it has a Scripture verse that correlates with the lesson (the verse is from another part of the Bible, generally).
The Bible book begins with creation and covers 100 stories throughout the Bible, ending with a story called "Jesus Will Come Back" from the book of Revelation. The whole book is colorful and energetic and creates a sense of fun and invitation to its reader. My children (ages 5 and 7) and I have enjoyed reading it each day and we all learn something from it. I'd think other families with young children would enjoy it as we have!
Thanks Tyndale for sending me a free copy for purposes of review!
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