We've been enjoying the new children's devotional book, 101 Bible Adventures by Carolyn Larsen. Our family reads one adventure each night and the children, ages 4-12, are engaged and learning. While the devotional book itself doesn't present many questions to consider, the reading material contains great thought-provoking, question-inducing information.
Each lesson includes a short, usually one paragraph, introduction by the author. This is followed by a story straight from the Bible (NLT) and concludes with a thought from the author again. Each adventure contains a one frame cartoon and a memory verse.
While the pages are not very colorful (ok, not at all colorful--mostly shades of black & while with one box in light blue on each page) it's really not a problem since the book is more of a read-aloud for the parent to read, rather than for young kids to read/look at.
I do like that each adventure is mostly comprised of scripture--from The Book. Many children's Bible story books are paraphrased--and this is appropriate for small kids. But my children are all at ages now that they can comprehend the Bible itself (especially the New Living Translation that is presented in 101 Adventures)--and I'm so happy to be reading it to them! The author chooses selections of the actual Bible that are concise and clearly tell the story without being too much for little ones. We've really enjoyed it!
Much thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for the free copy of this book for purpose of review.
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