Schofield writes in a conversational, informal, and friendly manner, even as she addresses difficult and heart-breaking issues from her life. I enjoyed laughing with her.
The upbeat tone reflected in her writing style, I believe, stems from the author's upbeat spirit...and her love for Jesus. I was inspired by this woman--who admits that she asked real questions of doubt, as I would--and who remains firm in her love for the Creator and Savior throughout her moments of doubt and confusion. Her struggle to understand her role--to continue to hope and pray for a miracle OR to accept the outcome as God's will--seemed so real to me, as I'm sure it is to others. It was a pleasure to read through the process by which she comes to better understand her Father, herself, and true love.
And, I'm still, a week after finishing the book, drawn to thoughts from this book. Schofield recalls God's faithfulness to her at different times after the accident. I'm amazed at and grateful for God's speaking to her through other people or events--with EXACT words that she requested to hear from Him. I was and am amazed by her stories of God's power as He healed so many people in this modern-day-life. And I'm inspired to get to know this mighty, caring, intervening God even more...that I, as Schofield, might love Jesus with all my heart, no matter what!
Thanks, Chosen Books, for the free copy of this book for the purpose of an honest review.
Ordering information here: Chosen Books.
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