Not completely mind-numbing. Kim Vogel Sawyer is an excellent writer and her novel, Song of My Heart, is well written and interesting. She incorporates some great themes such as: love, forgiveness, honesty, and more love. The characters are well developed and likable or despicable, as intended. But I didn't really like the book. It's just that the plot is so...predictable. Of course, it's a romance novel, so what did I expect? I guess I expected something a bit more, maybe a bit deeper, from such an accomplished writer (this is the first of her novels I've read--perhaps they are all this way and I should not have expected anything else?!) I knew from the first page of chapter two how the book would end. It's not my type of reading material.
I did enjoy parts of the book. It was entertaining. And I appreciate that Sawyer keeps the language and message clean. But overall, unless you enjoy sappy, predictable love stories, I'd probably not recommend it.
Thanks, Bethany House Publishing, for the opportunity to read this book for free!