Kristen's story in Life, In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice is one of hope, inspiration, faith, and everlasting love. It's a great read for teens and adults, as well.
Kristen Anderson had a good childhood but began to experience depression and sorrow as a teen. The pain in her life led her to what "should" have been a fatal decision to lie down on railroad tracks as a train approached and end her life. The result of that decision was the loss of her legs and so much more gained. The story she shares following this event, a story of recovery, pain, hope, and the saving grace of her Creator (who not only miraculously saved her life when humanly, it should have ended, but also rescued her soul) is a story that should be shared with anyone struggling with depression or even "blues." It's also valuable for anyone who loves a person with depression. It's a great testimony for anyone questioning God's love for each person and a great inspiration for anyone in love with Jesus, as well.
I appreciated the easy writing style of Tricia Goyer, who authored the book with Kristen Anderson. Once I began reading the book, it read quickly and was tough to put down!
One concern I do have about the book is the author's insistence on weaning herself from antidepressants so that she can fully rely on God. While I rejoice with her in her healing from depression, I also strongly believe that some medically need antidepressants--and can trust that God has provided such for them in their well-being. To deny this, or call it something other relying on God would also imply that a person should avoid medication for any medical condition if he is fully relying on God. I believe that God provides medications for us as a means of healing us (it's only through God's grace that any of his creation might imagine/discover/create such medications!)
Overall--great, inspiring book and I'm grateful to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for sending this book to me free for purpose of this review!